where creativity and community meet

Get Involved! Volunteer!

Would you like to teach a class, help out with an event or lead a discussion or presentation? Great work takes many hands and EAC welcomes yours. Contact info@eastportartscenter.org to learn more.
You can make a difference in your community—right here, right now—by volunteering for the Eastport Arts Center. Each year, dozens of volunteers offer their talents in support all the creative programs under the organizational umbrella of the Arts Center. This support allows the EAC to provide gallery shows, performances, and educational programs like KinderArts, children’s theater and workshops.
We have many volunteer needs at the Arts Center:
Gallery sitter
Box office greeters & ticket takers
Poster & brochure distribution
Organize receptions or provide refreshments
Set up for performances
Stage hands
Run lights or sound for performances
Teach a class or workshop
Serve on a Board committee
Help with mailings
Arts Center maintenance
Carpentry & Painting
See anything in this list that captures your fancy? We’d love to welcome you as our newest volunteer. No experience is necessary. To volunteer, email info@eastportartscenter.org
Why become a volunteer? Because we need your help! Without volunteers, our services would be extremely curtailed. According to the Independent Sector, the value of an hour of volunteer time in Maine is $24.21.
Think of it this way: 20 volunteers who each give only 2 hours of free time per week would be the same as a full-time salary of almost $42,000. This labor of love from volunteers is a huge savings, making it possible to accomplish vitally important tasks we simply could not otherwise afford to do.
What do you get in return? When you volunteer at the Eastport Arts Center, you will enjoy the camaraderie of working with others in your community who value the arts. You will help us show grant makers with real numbers that we are a community-based organization. You will also have the satisfaction of knowing you are helping to maintain a vibrant arts collective for all who live in and visit Washington County.
Are you already a volunteer? In case we haven’t said so lately, THANK YOU!!!
For proper recognition, and for grant applications, we need to keep track of your volunteered hours (big or small) on behalf of any program or activity. If you have volunteered in any of these roles, or in other ways, and have not communicated your hours, please send an email with the general description of your activities and your estimated hours to: info@eastportartscenter.org.