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Annual Holiday Market

Saturday, November 30, 10 am to 3 pm

Snow date, Sunday, December 1

​Setup starts at 8 am

Fill out the form below to reserve a 2.5 by 8-foot table.

Pay Here to Reserve a Table

Important: To choose the online payment option please be sure to click on the $25 button so that it changes in color to light purple.

Tables are first come, first served. Payment is required in advance to reserve a place.

NOTE: If you would prefer to submit your application by mail, please download a form here to reserve a 2.5 x 8-foot table and send it with your check for $25, payable to the Eastport Arts Center, to us at P.O. Box 153, Eastport, ME, 04631


VERY IMPORTANT: Please email us at to indicate that ‘the check is in the mail’ and we will hold a place for you for one week as we await your check.

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