Eastport Arts Center’s next Open Mic will be held Saturday, July 1 from 6-8 pm. The event, which has run monthly since January, has grown steadily, and each evening is a lively mix of 10-minute music and spoken word acts, with always some surprises. An array of snacks and hot beverages are provided in a casual coffeehouse-style atmosphere. Those interested in performing may sign up at the event for a 10-minute slot. A limited number of slots will be available for those who’d prefer to sign up in advance. Please send any questions about your act or inquiries about signing up by email to info@eastportartscenter.org. Admission and refreshments are free; donations will be gratefully accepted. The July 1 event has been sponsored by Dastardly Dick’s Wicked Good Coffee, 62 Water Street, downtown Eastport. Owners Jenie M. Smith and Peter Frewen feature specialty coffee, handmade treats, breakfast and lunch items, and an inviting atmosphere. Frewen and Smith have graced the EAC stage with many music and theater performances dating back to 2014.
Jenie M. Smith & Peter Frewen, owners, Dastardly Dick’s Wicked Good Coffee will sponsor EAC's next Open Mic!
Please note that summertime Open Mics are also planned for July 24 and August 24, and we'll continue in the fall! The Eastport Arts Center is at 36 Washington Street, Eastport, and is handicapped-accessible. EAC abides by the State of Maine CDC COVID guidelines, revisiting our policy monthly. At this time, the use of masks in our building is optional.